Saturday, December 22, 2012

{Making Christmas} Part 5: The Mantel

My goodness, has it been a super busy week? or what? I love my new job, everyday it gets easier, and more enjoyable. I love learning new things, and serving others.
Well, I finally got to photographing our Christmas Mantel this year, it's very simple, but very colorful, I really do love it. I picked up some local shrubs from my backyard, ther's nothing more rewarding than using your own natural resources. The colors match our tree this year, I love this color combo so much. I think I might use it a little too much. That's alright, it never goes out of style.
Oh and I also found a tree topper, just a simple blue bow will do!
For my Mantel, I decided to make it fun, sweet, and delicious! As you may have remembered my Delicious Wreath DIY project, I also went ahead and used left over candy from the wreath, and picked up some sweet candy canes. Along with white and blue ornaments I had. Love it!!!
I haven't put up our stockings yet, 2 reasons, first my toddler will pull them and possibly break things. And two, I didn't get a chance to make our stockings this year, so the ones from last year will have to do, they're not bad, but not the colors I was hoping for.

Mint Candy

Candy Canes

Making Christmas is oh so fun! I love this time of the year so much, and today out of all days, it is one of the loveliest and sunniest days I have seen so far this winter. Yay!! Stay tuned, for tomorrow I will blog about my last minute homemade gifts, and gift wrapping ideas! TaTa for now!

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