Monday, February 11, 2013

Valentine Ideas + Website Featurette!

Now on the Woman's Day Website! This is sooo exciting, i know i've been posting the awesome Woman's Day experience like crazy, but i am now being featured on the website. I love it!! Just had to share. Click here to check out the feature.
In case you missed the magazine this month, you can check out how i DIY'd my armoire in detail, Here and Here.

Valentine's Day is on Thursday, and I cannot believe it's already here. i love this holiday, it's so sweet, and colorful. And there are so many cute things you can make to giveaway. Here are a few of my pins, i have been so busy lately, i didn't get a chance to make any of my pins, but i will post on Wednesday my Valentine's for this year.
For your Teacher
(i am so doing this when Nolan is in school)

For the Sweet Tooth

For the LOVE of art

For the cook

For your Crush

For a special one

See you Wednesday

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